Thursday, August 11, 2011


Recntly, I have been watching a 'special' collection of the films of the late MARLENA DIETRICH($12.00) and found that my favorite thus far, is GYPSY EARRINGS with Ray Milland, of 'THE LOST WEEKEND' fame, a movie I saw while in the fifth grade that the lady in the ticket office tried to dissuade me from attending at the time, but to no avail). I saw Marlena in DESTREY RIDES AGAIN on the screen as a child and later the 'in'famous BLUE ANGEL and then in Judgment in Nuremburg and, when in Germany, I purchased some of her records which I still have. Of course, we all fell in love with LILI MARLENE....I even took German in college and can still do a fair imitation of Adolph when called upon.... Anyway, the movies on the screen have a charm and power lacking in TV and other smaller screens...and the power of black and white, to my eyes, will most always surpass 'colorizations' of such......more on Marlena another time...

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